
Task 1
    For my inspiration, I decided to pick what I fall asleep under every night! I love the colors in this picture, thats why I got it, so when I heard that we would have a project in which we must pick a good color scheme, I knew exactly what to pick! 
                                                                                Task 2
   The colors in my nameplates are light blue, green and pink, my favorite colors in the picture and I figured that this would be the best combination I could come up with out of the picture. For my tints, I Chose to do 50% light for the middle, and 10% for the lightest one. 

Task 3 
For the last task, I was to make nameplates out of my swatches. While I'm a little disappointed in how the green and blue interacted but I am impressed with the last one, where the green and blue seem to go well with the pink. 


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