
Showing posts from February, 2021


Oz Jensen Memes  from Imgflip Meme Generator from Imgflip Meme Generator from Imgflip Meme Generator from Imgflip Meme Generator     Political cartoons will always hold a special place in my heart. Ever since I first saw the cartoon Paul Revere created after the Boston Massacre I have been fascinated with how art can influence public opinion. I was especially intrigued by Thomas Nast's humorous  cartoons of William Tweed and his ring. I tried to use similar comedy in my memes, making fun of the Jeffery Epstein situation, Ted Cruz helping to ignite an insurrection then act as though nothing had happened, the drug war being a waste of resources, as well as the Washington democrats fixation with impeaching Donald Trump, despite there being a pandemic, with people in need of stimulus checks and practically no chance of getting a conviction. 

Business card

  For my business card,  my career is a journalist, which I hope is my future profession. Overall, the project went pretty smoothly, however I did have trouble importing the images. For whatever reason, whenever I imported an image it was way too big, however I was able to make them smaller by clicking the corner and holding command. This is a cool project because hopefully someday I will have a business card that is similar to this one. 

Julian Assange

Julien Assange passage The first amendment of the constitution makes sure to guarantee freedom of speech to all Americans. The persecution of Julian Assage and Edward Snowden is proof that this amendment is under attack. Assange, the founder of wikileaks, had released classified military documents in 2010, thus angering some in the government who would rather have that information kept secret. This caused the government to search for reasons to charge Assange.  In May 2019, Assange was charged on 17 counts of violating the espionage act, as well as another for hacking. This is a dangerous precedent for free speech, as it makes clear that the protection of the first amendment has its limits. While the government claims that Assange is not a journalist, this governmental overreach is especially concerning for the press. While wikileaks isn’t a traditional media source, it should absolutely be guaranteed the same protections as those in the press .    A British court has f...